Whimple Victory Hall
Registered Charity 291496
The Main Hall
The main hall is approximately 14 metres long by 8 metres wide (excluding the stage).
The stage measures 7 metres by 3 metres.
The maximum hall capacity is 200 people standing or 120 seated.
The main hall is ideal for parties, receptions and for large meetings. The stage is ideal for for assemblies, drama and musical concerts.
On weekdays during school term time the hall is used by the village Primary School for assemblies, P.E., drama and lunches.
In the evening and at weekends the hall is used for both regular and occasional recreational activities such as short-mat bowls, table tennis, a film club, yoga, Zumba, a model railway club and private parties.
There is a monthly 'Soup'n'Sarnie' lunch hosted by the Victory Hall Team on the last Saturday of the month, excluding August, with a 'Christmas Special' on a Saturday before Christmas.
Wifi is available for free of charge, there is a hearing induction loop and a large projection screen mounted above the stage.