Whimple Victory Hall
Trustees have a legal duty to act in Whimple Victoty Hall's’s best interests when making decisions. If there’s a decision to be made where a trustee has a personal or other interest, this is a conflict of interest and the Trustees must follow the steps set out in the Conflict of interest Policy.
Health and Safety Policy
It is the policy of the Management Committee to provide adequate control of any health and safety risks arising from hall activities by consulting with our hall users on matters affecting their health and safety, providing and maintaining a safe building and its equipment, ensuring safe handling and use of substances, providing information and instruction to hail users, preventing accidents in and around the hall, maintaining safe and healthy conditions and reviewing and revising this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Financial Policy
The Trustees will manage the assets of the charity in accordance with Whimple Victory Hall’s constitution and in accordance with its legal and other obligations under Charity Law, HM Revenue and Customs and common law. It will operate on a sustainable basis with a reserve fund set aside for contingencies and a sinking fund for repair or replacement of the building.
Equal Opportunities Policy
It is the policy of the Management Committee not to discriminate directly or indirectly against anybody (whether trustees, users, volunteers, or the community in general) on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs or marital status.
Environmental Policy
It is the policy of Whimple Victory Hall to promote recycling, encourage energy saving and adopt proven energy saving technologies where funding is available to do so.
Policy for Activities Involving Children and Vulnerable Adults.
In order to provide children and young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in Whimple Victory Hall, hirers are made aware that they are responsible for ensuring that any activities for children under eight years of age are properly supervised and comply with the provisions of The Children Act of 1989, and that only fit and proper persons have access to children.
Similarly, hirers must ensure that any activities that include the attendance or participation of vulnerable adults must be supervised and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (SVGA) 2006.
Whimple Victory Halll is committed to ensuring that any personal data is dealt with in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. To comply with the law, personal information will be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully.
Policy for Recruiting Trustees and Staff
It is the trustees’ policy to recruit members who offer skills or experience that can complement the committee’s knowledge and capability. The trustees also encourage each group or organisation that uses the hall regularly to nominate a trustee. All new trustees will be provided with information on the duties and responsibilities of trustees.
Hiring Policy
Any part of the building or grounds is available for hire for any lawful purpose, but the trustees reserve the right to refuse a hiring without giving any reason. No one under the age of 18 can hire the hall or any part thereof. All hire is subject to the rules set by the trustees on the Booking Form and in the Terms and Conditions of Hire.