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About Us

Whimple Victory Hall is a community village hall and a registered charity run by a group of volunteer trustees. 


The hall has been at the site since the 1920's and is at the heart of the community, it provides space for people to gather for recreational, educational and social activities. 

There are spaces for a range activities in the main hall, committee room, billiard room and garden.  The main hall has a stage. There is a fully equipped kitchen. The car parking is limited but free.  


We are affiliated to Devon Communities Together which is member of A.C.R.E. (Action with Communities in Rural England)

Whimple is situated about halfway between Exeter and Honiton just off the A30. 


Whimple station is served by trains on the Waterloo to Exeter line.

There are 2 types of trustees, elected management trustees and user group representative trustees. 

If you are interested in helping us or becoming a trustee, please contact a management trustee below.​​

The Management Trustees:
Chairman: Sue Ayres 01404 823082
Vice Chairman: Rob Davis 01404 823089
Treasurer: Chris Olive 01404 822145
Booking Secretary: Ali Tierney 07778 681280

Secretary: Di Wilkins 07974 468513
Elected trustee: Viv Brown 07876 653264
Elected trustee: Glenn Starkey 07967 698600
User Representative Trustees:
History Society: David Rastall 01404 822486
Parish Council: Alan McArthur 01404 823079
Over 60's Club: Arthur Iball 01404 822905
Short Mat Bowls Club: David Rastall 01404 822486

Parochial Church Council: Helen Bowker 01404 823193
Whimple Gardening Club: Paul Wilson 01404 822744
Young Farmers Club:
Front Row Club: Rob Davis 01404 823089
Exeter 'O' Gauge Railway group: Ken Banks 01308  868410 or Keith Cleeve 01884 257942

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